Niels van Galen Last currently works as Chief Data Officer at, working on all things technical. He is building the infrastructure for solving machine learning problems in the cloud. He also works on applying machine learning to better understand problems in the areas of computational genomics and genetics. He specializes in developing statistical and computational machine learning methods for large-scale data. Previously he worked as Chief Technology Officer at Post Planner and prior to that as CTO at Paystik/Evergive (acquired by OneParish).
PhD in Computational and Mathematical Engineering, on leave
Stanford University
MSc in Computational and Mathematical Engineering, 2014
Stanford University
MSc in Computer Science, 2011
Delft University of Technology
TensorFlow, Keras, Spark, Recommendation Algorithms
React, NodeJS, Django
Lambda, GraphQL, K8s, SageMaker
Numerical Linear Algebra, Statistics, Graph Theory
NumPy, SciPy, pandas, Scikit-Learn
Master Thesis: Cortical Parcellation using PageRank Clustering and the Small-Worldness of ADHD.
Supervisors: Prof. M.G. Gerritsen (Stanford University) and Prof. L.J.M. Rothkrantz (Delft University of Technology).